Friday, April 15, 2016

Chapter Twelve – A New Adventure

Chapter Twelve – A New Adventure

       After kicking my sister out, I felt the need to leave my home. Just, you know, get up and leaf. So I did. I packed my eucalyptus and went on my way to somewhere new. At the time, I had no idea where I would go, but knew that this wasn't my home anymore. I couldn't stay there any longer. This long and rigorous journey would last for weeks, upon weeks, upon even more weeks. So many weeks that I felt weak after all of them. 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway, my journey was very long and since I have long term memory lost, I don't remember most of it. But what I do remember is seeing the most beautiful thing in the world. She was laying on a melalueca tree relaxing and trying to get some shade. I was in an aw. Her coat was stunning and her claws were sharp, just how I likem'. Her nose was perfectly aligned and her eyes were larger than normal, a perfect specimen. She was the dream koala. The perfect koala. All I was thinking about was how I, a far less superior koala, was going to approach her and talk to her. I had no idea. I was too nervous to react to anything. And then the impossible happened, she noticed me and waved at me. In response to that, I grinned, and then fainted... 

(To be continued.)

This is her.

Chapter Eleven –The Return of the Sister

Chapter Eleven –That Lying Skunk!

       Oh my koala lord, what has just happened to me was terrifying. They warned me. I tell you now they warned me. But I, I didn't want to believe it. I didn't listen to them! It was about my sister. When she returned she seemed normal. She herself completely but normal enough to not start any alarms. Until... well.. SHE STARTED TO EXAMINE THE BRAIN OF MY LITTLE BROTHER. She looked just like my sister! I don't know why she would do this. It's like I don't know her anymore, which made me very sad. When I caught her doing this, I yelled at her and kicked her out of the Tree. I left her in the jungle, the forest floor, like one of those damn leaves. And just like that, she's now a leaf. One with the leafs. After her removal from our home, she started to crawl into the distance. She continuously looked back to see if we were watching her leave, but we didn't. How do I know she kept looking back? Well, I did peak through a peep hole. So I assume she didn't see me. Oh well. We got rid of her, and that was the end of it, thank koala God. No more alien activity going on in this Treehold...

This is my sister next to the leaf.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Chapter Ten –The Return of the Sister

Chapter Ten –The Return of the Sister

       Oh my koala lords, what a day I've had. My sister has returned. The aliens have finally returned her! And to be completely honest, I wasn't surprised. Lets just say that she's "special"in the sense that only a loving koala brother can say. She isn't all right up there in the head, ya know? Anyway, she came back and we're all happy. Right after her return, she told great tales of what happened to her when she was with the aliens. She said that they did tests on her, they put her in this giant cage with some see-through wall that other aliens can see her from to "observe", and they were ugly. She was also put into her prison with other koalas too! The prison kind of looked like the wild forest a bit to seem "homie" I assume. She also mentioned that hundreds upon thousands of other aliens would come see her in her prison and would look intrigued. There were even smaller aliens too that would point, laugh, and tap the see-through wall object (which made a very obnoxious sound). Oh, how horrible her experience was! They only fed her once a day with very minimal food, and all she was able to do throughout the day was sleep! How outrageous! And apperently, she was released from her prison because she would fight the other koalas. It wasn't even her fault! They were poking at her first! I am surprised how she was able to live through that ordeal! My poor, poor, poor sister. She is now scarred for life and there's nothing I can do about it except to take her to koala therapy. What am I going to do now? I need help. Help me my friends...

This is me with my little sister.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Chapter Nine –How I Came to Be. (Part Dos)

Chapter Nine –Saving My Parents

       In continuation from my last blog, I will be telling you how I tried to save my parents. It was at the age of three where my parents were taken away from me. At the time, I didn't know where they were, who took them, or what will happen to them. All I knew during the time was that they went missing from their room in the Tree in the middle of the night. There were scratches all over the walls, the bed was a wreck, and the rooms were all a mess. It was a disastrous scene and heart-breaking to look at. When I first saw the room I fell to my knees in sadness, asking the Koala Gads "why me?", but I got over that fairly quickly. I put my big boy pants on and began my week long investigation.

       I first traveled to the deep dark depths of Eastern Australian rain forest. Wait, maybe it was actually the Northern. Southern? You know what, I just went into a forest on a whim. I really can't be bothered to remember right now. Anyway, I went there and couldn't find them. Oh well, I guess I have to travel to a different place now... So then, I went to the lakes of Australia. Why? Don't ask me. But this was no ordinary lake, this lake was PINK! Have you ever seen a PINK lake!? I hadn't until that moment! I was so confused and yet so fascinated at the sight of this great body of water! Anyway, the search must go on... I checked every corner of the round lake and came up with nothing. Since I couldn't swim, I just gazed over the waters and prayed they weren't in there. So, I gave up. I was a failure, as my parents had totally never told me. I decided to go back home to the Tree and  just live my days on as an orphan koala.

      After days of crawling back to the tree, I finally arrived back home. To my dismay, my parents were sitting right there. Apparently, things got pretty "wild" and they destroyed the house and then went out to celebrate. And unfortunately that's how I got my little brother. That's a story for another time. Goodbye!

This is my little brother and that's the lake.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Chapter Eight –How I Came to Be.

Chapter Eight –How I Came to Be.

       Today, I will be telling you the magnificent tale of how I came to be. My parents, great nobles of Southern Australia, traveled the destructive lands of the country to inhabit our now home land, Western Australia. 
       This journey took a great deal out of my padres. Mountains, cliffs, abysses, deserts, and numerous amounts of trees were just a few of the many obstacles they had to go through to reach our new home. They began their journey as a herd, but became smaller everyday of their adventure. Their initial amount was 50…then 40…then 25…then ending with 5. The weak were being eliminated first, then the scared, and then the brave; leaving only the truly strongest of will to survive.
        My parents were one of the few to survive the 3 year long journey. Upon arrival, my parents were able to inhabit our now home tree, the Tree. It may not have the most original name, but it was good enough for us. Anyway, in this tree my parents were able to start a family, that's where I come in. I was the first koala child, then my brother, and then my little sister. My brother and I still live together today, but my sister, my poor sister, was captured by aliens and shipped off to the near planet of Koalatune. We never saw her again. I miss her sometimes, but life still goes on. 

        It wasn't until I was the age of 3 where my parents were captured and I had to go save them…And  that is where I leave you now, until next time, goodbye.

This is our family portrait before my siblings were born.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Chapter Seven – Staying Serious

Chapter Seven –Saying Serious

       Tony had caught my arm right before falling off of the cliff. Now, you may ask yourself, "Mr.Koalaman, why did you place yourself into that situation?". Well, I don't have an answer for that. But what I can tell you that it wasn't worth it and I'm sorry Tony for causing this situation.

       I was able to pull myself up while holding onto Tony and successfully secure myself into safety. But when I pulled myself up, I selfishly pushed down Tony, making him fall off the cliff and ending his life I assume. And that was the end of it. My happiness was now gone right before my eyes. Slipped off of my paws and down the abyss of sadness. Never again did I see him.

       After that horrific and life changing event, I cried for days. I blamed myself for his death and mourned him for hours. I would never forgive myself after losing my bestest friend in the whole wide wild and nothing can change that. I miss him so much, no words can amount to the true feelings I had towards my pet. Oh Tony, I miss you. If you're somehow alive right at this moment and you're reading my blog, please know that I'm truly sorry and no pet rock can ever replace you. I'm sorry Tony the Rock, you were my one and only.

RIP Tony the Rock

This is the very last picture of Tony and I together.

RIP Our Friendship

Never mind, our friendship will never die!

Chapter Six –Time to Get Serious

Chapter Six –Time to Get Serious

       Today, it's time to get serious. This topic that I will be speaking about is certainly a sensitive one, so I would recommend for you all to sit down on your branch and just take it all in. Also, it's okay to cry, I'm here for you. Anyway, let's get into the meat of it. 
       This super duper serious topic is about my pet, Tony. Now Tony wasn't just any a loyal pet. He was the most loyal of all the pets that have ever existed in this land. Tony would go out and fetch me whatever I needed during the time I was sick, neglected, or just lonely. But Tony was more than just a pet, he was my best friend and I miss him so much…
        What happened to Tony can only be described as a tragedy. He was a hero, a hero that saved my life countless times in the past and would always come out on top. But not this time. Tony saved me, but he couldn't save himself. It was a day full of sadness and despair. On that Tuesday, and God I sure do hate Tuesdays, I slipped off of a cliff. Luckily, Tony had caught my arm right before I fell off. He was a blessing sent from the Koala Gods that may never ever be replaced by anything. Oh, how I miss him so…

        To be continued…
This is me crying for Tony.